Archive for June 29, 2007


Posted in Friends, Images, photography, Random, Uncategorized on June 29, 2007 by anuvuestudio

These strange and wonderful cars were built in Berlin from 1961 to 1968. Only 3878 total were ever made, and of those, 3046 were imported into the United States. All of them were made as convertibles with a 4 cylinder British engine in the rear. They do 7 MPH in the water and 70 MPH on land. The twin propellers that drive the cars through water work independently from the wheels by a special land / water transmission. New they sold for a cool 2800.00 to 3300.00 depending on the year manufactured. Man, I would have bought all 4 colors… if only I could have reached the pedals!

This particular one belongs to a single Dad that lives down the street. I watched for years the restoration process as it slowly became the beauty it now is. And I can honestly say… the car looks happy. It’s usually sports a Pirate flag but I believe my street is getting it ready for the 4th. I rarely see this car go by without several children hanging out of it… all with silly grins, waving like their in a parade. I’m definitely going to have to ask for a ride… in the water of course 🙂


Mystery in a Suitcase

Posted in Images, Life, People, photography, Random, Uncategorized on June 29, 2007 by anuvuestudio
